Albert Einstein quotes in Sanskrit with English translation

Success Efforts
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Here are 50 Albert Einstein quotes along with their approximate Sanskrit translations,

1. "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
   Sanskrit: "कल्पना ज्ञानस्य महत्तरा या च स्तीयते।" (Kalpanā jñānasya mahattarā yā ca stīyate.)

2. "The only real valuable thing is intuition."
   Sanskrit: "यत्रैव ही तत्र नृत्यति योग इव।" (Yatraiva hī tatra nṛtyati yoga iva.)

3. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
   Sanskrit: "यः पुरुषः कदाचिदपि अपराधं न कृत्वा नवं किञ्चित् प्रयत्नमानस्ति स एव नः।" (Yaḥ puruṣaḥ kadācidapi aparādhaṁ na kṛtvā navam kiñcit prayatnamānasti sa eva naḥ.)

4. "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."
   Sanskrit: "यत्रैव ही तत्र नृत्यति योग इव।" (Yatraiva hī tatra nṛtyati yoga iva.)

5. "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
   Sanskrit: "सफलतायाः परोपकाराय संग्रामः कृतः, न तु ख्यातिहेतोः।" (Saphalatāyāḥ paropakārāya saṅgrāmaḥ kṛtaḥ, na tu khyātihetoḥ.)

6. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
   Sanskrit: "कठिनायां मध्ये समस्यायां अवसरः सन्दिह्यते।" (Kaṭhināyāṁ madhye samasyāyāṁ avasaraḥ sandihyate.)

7. "The only source of knowledge is experience."
   Sanskrit: "ज्ञानस्य एव एकमात्रं स्रोत्रं अनुभवः।" (Jñānasya eva ekamātraṁ srotraṁ anubhavaḥ.)

8. "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
   Sanskrit: "शान्तिः बलात् रक्ष्यते न केवलं बलेन प्राप्यते, बुद्धिना एव प्राप्यते।" (Śāntiḥ balāt rakṣyate na kevalaṁ balena prāpyate, buddhinā eva prāpyate.)

9. "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."
   Sanskrit: "बुद्धिमतां च मूर्खाणां विद्यते बुद्धिकोटिः अन्यत्र न।" (Buddhimatāṁ ca mūrkhāṇāṁ vidyate buddhikoṭiḥ anyatra na.)

10. "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
    Sanskrit: "जीवनं सर्वदा सारथिकलक्षणं। तद्धारणाय त्वं सर्वदा प्रवृत्तिमान् रक्षेः।"

Albert Einstein Sanskrit Quotes With English translation

11. "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
    Sanskrit: "न ते विपन्नेन चिन्तया समस्तदुःखानि प्रत्यनुद्विग्नन्ति।" (Na te vipannena cintayā samastaduḥkhāni pratyānudvignanti.)

12. "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
    Sanskrit: "गते शत्रुं सुदुःखं च सद्यो न विजयिष्यसि।" (Gate śatruṁ suduḥkhaṁ ca sadyo na vijayiṣyasi.)

13. "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change."
    Sanskrit: "बुद्धेः परिवर्तनयोग्यतां मापयति बुद्धिमत्ताम्।" (Buddheḥ parivartanayogyatāṁ māpayati buddhimattām.)

14. "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
    Sanskrit: "तर्कः त्वां अयातयाति बी समन्तादनेकत्र। कल्पना सर्वत्र यातयाति।" (Tarkaḥ tvāṁ ayātayāti bī samantādanekatra. Kalpanā sarvatra yātayāti.)

15. "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
    Sanskrit: "यदि त्वं तस्य योग्यमनुभवं न शक्नोषि सरलेन विवर्णयितुं, तदा तस्य अपरोप्यमनुभवः ते नैव प्राप्तः।" (Yadi tvaṁ tasya yogyamanubhavaṁ na śaknoṣi saralena vivarṇayituṁ, tadā tasya aparopyamanubhavaḥ te naiva prāptaḥ.)

16. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
    Sanskrit: "महत्तरं कार्यं कर्तुम् त्वया एकान्ते प्रेमयुक्त्या यत्नो विधीयताम्।" (Mahattaraṁ kāryaṁ kartum tvayā ekānte premayuktyā yatno vidhīyatām.)

17. "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    Sanskrit: "सर्वं यत्र सरलं सर्वदा यावदसरं न सरलतरं।" (Sarvaṁ yatra saralaṁ sarvadā yāvadasaraṁ na saralataraṁ.)

18. "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."
    Sanskrit: "नापि ममापौरुषं अस्ति। अहमेव परमेष्ठां सोपाश्रयः।" (Nāpi mamāpauruṣaṁ asti. Ahameva parameṣṭhāṁ sopāśrayaḥ.)

19. "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
    Sanskrit: "बुद्धिमताम् वाणीमनसोः अन्तर्भावः या सा न ज्ञानम्, अपि तु कल्पना।" (Buddhimatām vāṇīmanasoḥ antarbhāvaḥ yā sā na jñānam, api tu kalpanā.)

20. "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."
    Sanskrit: "प्रत्येकदुःखस्य मध्ये अवसरः सन्दिह्यते।" (Pratyekaduḥkhasya madhye avasaraḥ sandihyate.)

21. "Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore."
    Sanskrit: "दुर्बलाः प्रतिशमन्ति। शक्तिमानः क्षमयन्ति। बुद्धिमानः प्रमर्शयन्ति।" (Durbalāḥ pratishamanti. Śaktimānaḥ kṣamayanti. Buddhimānaḥ pramarśayanti.)

22. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
    Sanskrit: "जीवनं यत्र सरलं वर्तते, तत्र वयमपि संश्रयणं कुर्मः।" (Jīvanaṁ yatra saralaṁ vartate, tatra vyamapi saṁśrayaṇaṁ kurmaḥ.)

23. "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."
    Sanskrit: "शिक्षा यत्र स्मरणं तत्र शिक्षा अवशिष्यते शालायां पठितम्।" (Śikṣā yatra smaraṇaṁ tatra śikṣā avaśiṣyate śālāyāṁ pathitam.)

24. "The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library."
    Sanskrit: "केवलं तत्त्वमालयस्य स्थानं त्वया अवश्यं ज्ञातुमर्हति।" (Kevalaṁ tattvamālayasya sthānaṁ tvayā avaśyaṁ jñātumarhati.)

25. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."
    Sanskrit: "महत्तरं तत्र निश्चितं यत्, प्रश्नयात्र आत्मस्वरूपाय प्रमाणमस्ति।" (Mahattaraṁ tatra niścitaṁ yat, praśnayātra ātmasvarūpāya pramāṇamasti.)

26. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
    Sanskrit: "भविष्यस्य उत्पन्नं सदा भविष्यति, भविष्यं नियन्तुमिच्छन्ति ते।" (Bhaviṣyasya utpannaṁ sadā bhaviṣyati, bhaviṣyaṁ niyantumicchanti te.)

27. "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
    Sanskrit: "तत्र खेलानाम् नियमानि ज्ञात्वा त्वं सर्वेषामपि प्रभवितुमर्हसि।" 

28. "The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self."
    Sanskrit: "मनुष्यस्य सच्च्यान्तविमुक्तिः प्राप्तिर्जीवनस्य सच्च्यान्तगुणस्य आपद्यते।"

29. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
    Sanskrit: "जगत्त्वं संग्रामकारिणां अस्मिन् न अपि जनानां नैतिके अपशक्तीनाम् अपि न भयानकमस्ति, अपशक्तानां अपि जनानां।"

30. "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."
    Sanskrit: "जगतः अपि अग्रह्यतमं गुरुतमं च विश्वस्य अप्रमेयतमं च आसीत्।" (Jagataḥ api agrahyatamaṁ gurutamaṁ ca viśvasya aprameyatamaṁ ca āsīt.)

31. "Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them."
    Sanskrit: "बुद्धिमानां समस्याः समाधत्ते, प्रतिभानां निवारयति।" (Buddhimānāṁ samasyāḥ samādhatty, pratibhānāṁ nivārayati.)

32. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
    Sanskrit: "द्वे अनन्तानि द्वे: ब्रह्माण्डः च मानवबुद्धिर्च, न च संशयः।" (Dve anantāni dve: brahmāṇḍaḥ ca mānavabuddhirca, na ca sanśayaḥ.)

33. "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."
    Sanskrit: "प्रत्येकदुःखस्य मध्ये अवसरः सन्दिह्यते।" (Pratyekaduḥkhasya madhye avasaraḥ sandihyate.)

34. "The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working."
    Sanskrit: "स्तुतिप्रभावविकारात् मात्रं पारिहार्यम् अतीतुम् सदा क्रियायाम् अवश्यं ज्ञेयम्।" (Stutiprabhāvavikārāt mātraṁ pārihāryam atītum sadā kriyāyām avaśyaṁ jñeyam.)

35. "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive."
    Sanskrit: "मनुष्यस्य मूल्यं प्रादाद्यान्नैव न अन्यत्र प्राप्यमाने।" (Manuṣyasya mūlyaṁ prādādyānnaiva na anyatra prāpyamāne.)

36. "I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university."
    Sanskrit: "अहमकस्यापि भाषाम् सर्वेषां समानरूपेण वदामि, चाहु संदर्भस्य किंस्विद् च न स्थाने।" (Ahmakasyāpi bhāṣām sarveṣāṁ samānarūpeṇa vadāmi, cāhu saṁdarbhasya kiṁsvid ca na sthāne.)

37. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
    Sanskrit: "महान् आत्मानः सदा मध्यमबुद्धिषु उग्रापदानं सन्ददुः।" (Mahān ātmānaḥ sadā madhyamabuddhiṣu ugrāpadānaṁ sandaduḥ.)

38. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."
    Sanskrit: "महत्तरं तत्र निश्चितं यत्, प्रश्नयात्र आत्मस्वरूपाय प्रमाणमस्ति।" (Mahattaraṁ tatra niścitaṁ yat, praśnayātra ātmasvarūpāya pramāṇamasti.)

39. "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
    Sanskrit: "जगत् खलु भयानकं स्यात्, न तेषु कृते पापे ये कुर्वन्ति, अपि तु पापे ये कुर्युरनुवर्तन्ते।" (Jagat khalu bhayānakaṁ syāt, na teṣu kṛte pāpe ye kurvanti, api tu pāpe ye kuryuranuvartante.)

40. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
    Sanskrit: "कल्पना सर्वम्। या हि जीवनस्य आगामी आकर्षणानि तस्य पूर्वरूपणम् अस्ति।" (Kalpanā sarvam. Yā hi jīvanasya āgāmī ākarṣaṇāni tasya pūrvarūpaṇam asti.)

Certainly! Here are 10 more Albert Einstein quotes along with their approximate Sanskrit translations:

41. "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."
    Sanskrit: "मनसः दोषः प्रवृत्तेः दोषः भवति।" (Manasaḥ doṣaḥ pravṛtteḥ doṣaḥ bhavati.)

42. "The only real valuable thing is intuition."
    Sanskrit: "यत्रैव ही तत्र नृत्यति योग इव।" (Yatraiva hī tatra nṛtyati yoga iva.)

43. "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
    Sanskrit: "संकल्पनायाः परिणामोऽयं जगतः आसीत्। अस्य विचारयन्तः न विचारयन्तामितरो न परिणामाय विचारयन्तु।" (Saṁkalpanāyāḥ pariṇāmo'yam jagataḥ āsīt. Asya vicārayantaḥ na vicārayantāmitaro na pariṇāmāya vicārayantu.)

44. "We still do not know one-thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us."
    Sanskrit: "प्राकृत्यम् अस्माकम् प्रदर्शितं केवलं एकसहस्त्रांशं न ज्ञातुं अपि शक्नुयामः।" (Prākṛtyam asmākam pradarśitaṁ kevalaṁ ekasahastrāṁśaṁ na jñātuṁ api śaknuyāmaḥ.)

45. "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
    Sanskrit: "शिक्षकस्य परमा कला उत्पन्नं सर्वेषां आनन्दं च विविद व्यक्त्यप्रकाशने च जागरुकीकृतुं।" (Śikṣakasya paramā kalā utpannaṁ sarveṣāṁ ānandaṁ ca vividavyaktyaprakāśane ca jāgarukīkṛtuṁ.)

46. "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
    Sanskrit: "बुद्धिमताम् वाणीमनसोः अन्तर्भावः या सा न ज्ञानम्, अपि तु कल्पना।" (Buddhimatām vāṇīmanasoḥ antarbhāvaḥ yā sā na jñānam, api tu kalpanā.)

47. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    Sanskrit: "न जानामि किं अस्य संग्रामे युद्धं तृतीयं भविष्यति, तथापि चतुर्थं युद्धं दण्डैः च पशुभिः च युद्ध्यते।" (Na jānāmi kiṁ asya saṁgrāme yuddhaṁ tṛtīyaṁ bhaviṣyati, tathāpi caturthaṁ yuddhaṁ daṇḍaiḥ ca paśubhiḥ ca yuddhyate.)

48. "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
    Sanskrit: "कल्पना ज्ञानस्य महत्तरा या च स्तीयते।" (Kalpanā jñānasya mahattarā yā ca stīyate.)

49. "The only real valuable thing is intuition."
    Sanskrit: "यत्रैव ही तत्र नृत्यति योग इव।" (Yatraiva hī tatra nṛtyati yoga iva.)

50. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
    Sanskrit: "यः पुरुषः कदाचिदपि अपराधं न कृत्वा नवं किञ्चित् प्रयत्नमानस्ति स एव नः।" (Yaḥ puruṣaḥ kadācidapi aparādhaṁ na kṛtvā navam kiñcit prayatnamānasti sa eva naḥ.)

I hope these quotes and their Sanskrit translations inspiring and thought-provoking. If you'd like more quotes or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

These translations aim to capture the essence of Einstein's quotes in a Sanskrit context and may not have direct equivalents in the language.

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